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Adding wind data to a system featuring an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD - Printable Version

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Adding wind data to a system featuring an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-10-17 11:34 AM

Adding wind data to a system featuring an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD

Raymarine MFDs do not feature support for calibrating wind transducers. In order to add wind data to a system featuring a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFDs and then be able calibrate the wind transducer, the system must include a instrument display capable of calibrating a wind transducer. Such instrument displays include:
- i40 Wind Instrument (for Rotaveta wind transducers only; recommended only for powerboat applications),
- i60 Wind Instrument (wind transducer interfaces directly to the instrument display's transducer terminals)
- i70/i70S MFID (used if the wind transducer will be interfaced to an iTC-5 Analog Instrument Transducer Converter)

The a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD and i60 Wind Instrument or i70/i70S MFID will each need to be interfaced as a spur to a powered and properly terminated SeaTalkng backbone. Should an iTC-5 be installed, then the iTC-5 will be installed as a component of the backbone rather than as a spur. Should an i40 Wind Instrument be installed, then a SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter will need to be interfaced as a component of the backbone and the i40 Wind Instrument would then be interfaced to the system via the SeaTalk (yellow) socket of the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter.