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EV-1 with es98 only (no p70 or ACU) - Linearization? - Printable Version

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EV-1 with es98 only (no p70 or ACU) - Linearization? - JBuss - 04-18-17 05:46 AM

I needed a magnetic compass sensor for my es98 and Quantum system, so that I can use radar overlay on chart and MARPA. Therefore, I installed an EV-1.

The EV-1 works, but it's heading is between 6 and 10 degrees off compared to a stable COG.

While doing research I've learned that the EV-1 should do a linearization automatically. So I did some circles with about six knots speed and the HDG improves by some degrees, but is still between 4 and 8 degrees off.

My questions:

1. Is there any way I can see if the EV-1 is "learning", that means in linearization mode?

2. Is there any way I can force the EV-1 to do a linearization using only an es98 MFD?

3. How can I see which deviation the EV-1 has determined using the es98 MFD?


RE: EV-1 with es98 only (no p70 or ACU) - Linearization? - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 04-18-17 03:07 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum JBuss,

Please click here to view a FAQ addressing recommended operating conditions to linearize and EV-1 Sensor Core. While the EV-1 will automatically linearize (i.e. create a deviation table), without an p70/p70S/p70R/p70RS Autopilot Control Head, heading alignment must be performed by rotating the EV-1 sensor core within its housing.

Q1. Is there any way I can see if the EV-1 is "learning", that means in linearization mode?
A1. No. This information may only be displayed via an p70/p70S/p70R/p70RS Autopilot Control Head.

Q2. Is there any way I can force the EV-1 to do a linearization using only an es98 MFD?
A2. No. As indicated within the response to Q1, linearization will automatically commence after the EV-1 senses that the vessel is underway.

Q3. How can I see which deviation the EV-1 has determined using the es98 MFD?
A3. This information may only be displayed via an p70/p70S/p70R/p70RS Autopilot Control Head.