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Using an a/c/e/eS-Series MFD xducer with CP370/CP300/DSM30/DSM300/DSM250 - Printable Version

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Using an a/c/e/eS-Series MFD xducer with CP370/CP300/DSM30/DSM300/DSM250 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 04-18-17 11:12 AM

Using an a/c/e/eS-Series MFD xducer with CP370/CP300/DSM30/DSM300/DSM250

Fishfinder transducers which have been designed to be mated to the fishfinder transducer socket of any of the following products:
- ax7 MFD, cx7 MFD, e7D MFD, ex7 MFD, or eSx7 MFD
- A50D MFD, A57D MFD, A70D MFD
- DS400X, DS500X, DS600X Fishfinders
- DSM25 Digital Sounder Module

may instead be interfaced to any of the following Digital Sounder Module by installing an A80344 Transducer Adapter between the transducer's plug and the Digital Sounder Module's transducer socket:
- CP370
- CP300 (retired)
- DSM30 DSM300 (retired).