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E120 and CP370 - Printable Version

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E120 and CP370 - jguitarfly55 - 05-24-17 07:17 PM

Just installed a new cp370 on my older E120 with a P66 transducer. Now my depth shows a reading of 5ft and the screen shows the bottom at 2ft. Is there a off set function for me to adjust the screen to the actual depth. The digital depth shown is the actual depth.

RE: E120 and CP370 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-25-17 09:56 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum JM,

Please attach a snapshot of the MFD's screen when exhibiting the subject behavior and attach it to this thread for further analysls. Please additionally indicate whether any additional depth sounding products (ex. Raymarine instruments, third party Smart depth transducers, etc.) to the system. Finally, please indicate whether the MFD's configuration settings have been configured with a Depth Offset?