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Axiom Compatibility with i70 - Printable Version

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Axiom Compatibility with i70 - capecodboater - 06-19-17 11:53 PM

I have upgraded my system to include an Axiom 9" and 12" display with 3D RealVision. My legacy components included a Quantum Radar, Ray 60, Evolution Autopilot and i70 instrument with an A Series display. I have removed the A Series and will be installing the Axiom. Will the i70 and Evolution Autopilot be compatible with Axiomn on a SeaTalk NG backbone/spur network?

RE: Axiom Compatibility with i70 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 06-21-17 04:00 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum capecodboater,

Q. Will the i70 and Evolution Autopilot be compatible with Axiomn on a SeaTalk NG backbone/spur network?

A. Yes.