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Adding a C/E-Series Widescreen MFD(s) to a network featuring E-Series Clasic MFDs - Printable Version

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Adding a C/E-Series Widescreen MFD(s) to a network featuring E-Series Clasic MFDs - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 03-14-16 02:18 PM

Adding a C/E-Series Widescreen MFD(s) to a network featuring E-Series Clasic MFDs

Unfortunately, C/E-Series Widescreen MFDs may not be interfaced to an Ethernet (SeaTalkhs/RayNet) network which also features E-Series Classic MFDs. While it is possible to interface an E-Series Classic MFD to a common SeaTalkng backbone to which a C/E-Series Widescreen MFD also been interfaced, communications would be limited to alphanumeric, GPS, instrument, navigational, and system status data between these systems. Correspondingly, it is not possible for E-Series Widescreen MFDs to share graphical data (ex. radar imagery, fishfinder imagery, cartography, or Sirius Marine Weather) with an E-Series Classic MFD.

Should full functionality dual station or multi-station capability be desired, then it would be necessary that all MFDs be E-Series Classic MFDs, all MFDs be C-Series Widescreen MFDs (only two MFDs permitted), or all MFDs be E-Series Widescreen MFDs.