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Can't connect to internet alarm - Printable Version

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Can't connect to internet alarm - mezrich - 08-20-17 03:48 PM

I have an a95 MFD running Lighthouse 19. I have a router on board that connects to the internet when I'm at a marina and the MFD connects to that router and then on to the internet.
When I pull away from the marina I get an alarm (dialog box) telling me I can no longer access the internet (which is true). I click OK, the alarm goes away but then in about 15 - 30 seconds it comes back. I can repeat this cycle (alarm, OK, no alarm, alarm) indefinitely.
Is there a way to disable that alarm (I don't see it in the alarm manager)?
I don't remember getting that alarm before I upgraded to Lighthouse 19...is that a new "feature"?
Excepting for disconnecting from the router, is there any other way to avoid this alarm?

RE: Can't connect to internet alarm - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-21-17 09:50 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Reuben,

How has the router been interfaced to the system ... i.e. has the route been wired to the Raymarine Ethernet network, or have you commanded the MFD to connect to your router's SSID via Wi-Fi? Please additionally indicate whether you using the Theyr weather feature?