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Networking New Axioms to old Seatalk HS switch - Printable Version

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Networking New Axioms to old Seatalk HS switch - moonzy1 - 10-17-17 08:25 PM

Have older network tied together w SeaTalkHS ethernet switch (8 RJ45 Ports)

I am getting new Axiom MFD's and Digital Radar. I am maintaining my CP370 ad transducer and SMartPilot.

Can I just buy Raynet to RJ45 adapter cables and plug all the new MFD's and Radar into the Seatalk HS switch?

Or do I have to upgrade to the newer HS5 Switch?

RE: Networking New Axioms to old Seatalk HS switch - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 10-23-17 01:36 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum moonzy1,

Q. Can I just buy Raynet to RJ45 adapter cables and plug all the new MFD's and Radar into the Seatalk HS switch?
A. Yes.

RE: Networking New Axioms to old Seatalk HS switch - moonzy1 - 10-23-17 09:09 PM

Thank you

RE: Networking New Axioms to old Seatalk HS switch - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 10-24-17 08:42 AM

You're welcome.