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[CA] When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - Printable Version

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[CA] When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - SaltyDog - 10-19-17 09:59 AM

When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio?

Will Sirius radio be able to be blue-toothed to a remote speaker for playback?
Will the radio be tuned in from the Axiom?

Any insight would be appreciated.

RE: When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 10-25-17 09:41 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum SaltyDog,

Thanks for your interest in Raymarine products. Raymarine has not yet introduced SiriusXM Satellite Weather Features within LightHouse 3 software. Our plan is to offer most, if not all of the capabilities of our LightHouse II software, in LightHouse 3. That being said, there are literally hundreds of different features that must be recreated on the new system and that takes a significant amount of time and testing. To view the web page containing LightHouse 3 FAQs, click here. The feature additions for each LightHouse 3 software update may be found on the LightHouse 3 for Axiom MFDs software update web page.

Should the Raymarine SiriusXM Weather/Radio receiver be installed in a manner where it will function as the vessel's SiriusXM Satellite Radio receiver (vs. a SiriusXM Connect Vehicle Tuner which is connected to the stereo head unit) and should the LightHouse 3 software's SiriusXM Satellite Radio app (still under development and as such no details are available) perform in a similar manner to that featured in MFDs running LightHouse II software, then the operator would be able to select SiriusXM programming via the MFD and to have the MFD mute / increase / decrease volume output from the Raymarine SiriusXM Weather/Radio receiver.

RE: When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - JP460 - 01-19-18 04:09 PM

I am looking to update my Classic E screens to Axiom Pro. Does Lighthouse 3 now support Sirius XM weather? And will I be able to use my SR-100 module in the new configuration?
(I will probably hold off on this purchase or upgrade until the weather information is compatible.)
Thank you for your help.

RE: [CA] When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 01-22-18 11:28 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum JP460,

Axiom MFDs are designed for use with Raymarine's LightHouse 3 software. LightHouse v3.3.x is expected to be the first LightHouse 3 software update to include support for SiriusXM Marine Weather. The SiriusXM Marine Weather feature of LightHouse 3.3.x may only be used with Axiom / Axiom Pro MFDs which have been interfaced to a SR150 SiriusXM Weather Receiver.

RE: [CA] When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - JP460 - 01-22-18 11:43 AM

Thank you for your prompt reply.
Am I to understand that the SR-100 receiver will NOT work with the upcoming LightHouse v3.3.x that supports weather?
If that is the case will the SR150 be supported into the foreseeable future, or is there something newer? (I would be waiting for the new software anyways before upgrading to the Axiom Pro MFD.)

RE: [CA] When will Axiom support Sirius Weather and Radio? - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 01-22-18 11:52 AM


Q1. Am I to understand that the SR-100 receiver will NOT work with the upcoming LightHouse v3.3.x that supports weather?
A1. Correct. The SR100, SR6, and SR50 will not support SiriusXM Marine Weather features within MFDs running LightHouse 3.3.x and later software.

Q2. If that is the case will the SR150 be supported into the foreseeable future, or is there something newer? (I would be waiting for the new software anyways before upgrading to the Axiom Pro MFD.)
A2. Raymarine has made no announcements regarding a replacement for the SR150.