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Anti-fouling paint for transducers - Printable Version

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Anti-fouling paint for transducers - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 03-24-16 05:12 PM

Anti-fouling paint for transducers

When seeking to prevent marine growth on transducers, Raymarine exclusively recommends use of anti-fouling paints which are specifically made for transducers. Such anti-fouling paints do not have keytones or other ingredients within them which may attack the materials that the transducers have been constructed from. Such transducer anti-fouling paints are available from a number of manufacturers (MDR, Woolsey, Pettit, Sea Hawk, Marlin, etc.). Should transducers feature speed through water paddle wheels, care should be taken to not apply anti-fouling paint to the paddle wheel's shaft as it may reduce or impede the rotation of the paddlewheel. With respect to the thermistor's performance, it is unlikely that such anti-fouling paints would have any significant effect in insulating the thermistor.