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Saving E80 data to card then transfer to a GPX format - Printable Version

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Saving E80 data to card then transfer to a GPX format - Paul Mitchell - 12-05-17 12:34 PM

Have saved waypoint data to compact flash card. Can see the files from the card on the PC. 1 file in archive.FSH and one from the planner spreadsheet. Can see the planner spreadsheet data clearly. The .FSH file is jumbled. Neither loads to the RNS program - get message "Unable to import CSeries Waypoints. Please call Technical Support." I want to be able to look at all waypoints. also need to transfer them to a GPX file to put on sons boat (Garmin). Check has been great at helping everyone. Thanks.

RE: Saving E80 data to card then transfer to a GPX format - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 12-05-17 02:17 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Paul,

Please note that while RayTech software does support importing a .fsh file, it does not support GPX file format or third party proprietary file formats for waypoints and routes. Raymarine Voyage Planner, which was designed to replace RayTech Planner, supports both FSH and GPX file formats. Should one need to produce a GPX file from the data within an Archive.fsh file, then please click here to view a FAQ addressing how Raymarine’s FSH to GPX Converter PC application may be easily used to support this end. I have verified that this application can indeed be used successfully to convert the data within your Archive.fsh file to a GPX file.

That said, I too encountered an error when importing your Archive.fsh file. Unfortunately, the ability to inspect an Archive.fsh file is quite limited. However, I was able to work around the issue importing the Archive.fsh file into GPS Utility (a third party waypoint/route data formatting / editing application), which in the process corrected the defect within the data. I then exported the waypoint data from GPS Utility to a new Archive.fsh file stored on by computer's desktop. The new Archive.fsh file was then able to be successfully imported into RayTech Planner.

RE: Saving E80 data to card then transfer to a GPX format - Paul Mitchell - 12-06-17 06:51 PM

Thanks for response. Cannot load RM Planner to see Archive.fsh file. Want to import to card and transfer to GPX.

RE: Saving E80 data to card then transfer to a GPX format - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 12-07-17 09:56 AM


As indicated within my initial response, RayTech Planner cannot be used to create a GPX file from a FSH file. I specified that Raymarine's FSH to GPX Converter PC application may be easily used to support this end. A link to FSH to GPX Converter PC application may be found within the FAQ that I provided a link to within my initial response.