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[CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - Printable Version

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[CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - blazin - 01-29-18 01:00 PM


I am selecting the new electronics for by 21' CC and I am planning on going with dual Axiom 9 displays. I already have purchased a Axiom 9 RV with a RV-100 transom mount transducer and am about to purchase the 2nd unit and I have a few questions.

If I wanted to add a thru-hull transducer, would the CPT-S Bronze High Chirp 12 degrees be the correct one or should I be using a different one? Dual RV-212 are outside of my budget. Deadrise is 13 degrees.

If I used the CPT-S transducer, is the f-CPT-S adapter cable the correct cable to use?

Would it be correct to directly connect the CPT-S to one display and the the RV-100 to the 2nd display and then network them?

Is there a way to default both displays to use the CPT-S as the default transducer for chirp and use the RV-100 as the default for all other sonar types?

Is there any way to network the 2 axiom displays with an rmk-10 remote without buying the extra HS5 Network switch? For example, connect RMK-10 to master Axiom via raynet and then connect master axiom to slave via NMEA 2000 network.

I don't have any other components requiring raynet on the boat, and I really don't want to spend the money on the HS5 for the sole purpose of connection the RMK-10.

Thanks for your help.

RE: [CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-01-18 02:05 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Blazin,

Q1. If I wanted to add a thru-hull transducer, would the CPT-S Bronze High Chirp 12 degrees be the correct one or should I be using a different one? Dual RV-212 are outside of my budget. Deadrise is 13 degrees.
A1. The CPT-S transducer may not be mated to the Axiom RV MFD. Additionally, it it is designed to provide the same high CHIRP conical sonar imagery supported by the RV transducers. It would typically be advised that a 600W 50kHz/200kHz low profile thru-hull additionally be interfaced to the Axiom RV MFD via the appropriate Y-Cable. What type of sonar imaging are you seeking via the thru-hull? What is the maximum depth of water which will be fished. Only one of the two MFDs need have internal sonar circuitry. All data and resources will be shared with between the two Axiom MFD via the Ethernet network

Q2. If I used the CPT-S transducer, is the f-CPT-S adapter cable the correct cable to use?
A2. See the response to Q1.

Q3. Would it be correct to directly connect the CPT-S to one display and the the RV-100 to the 2nd display and then network them?
A3. See the response to Q1.

Q4. Is there a way to default both displays to use the CPT-S as the default transducer for chirp and use the RV-100 as the default for all other sonar types?
A4. See the response to Q1.

Q5. Is there any way to network the 2 axiom displays with an rmk-10 remote without buying the extra HS5 Network switch? For example, connect RMK-10 to master Axiom via raynet and then connect master axiom to slave via NMEA 2000 network.
A5. As the Axiom MFDs feature only one Ethernet communications interface, the system would need to include a HS5 RayNet Network Switch.

RE: [CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - blazin - 02-01-18 10:41 PM

Thank you for the information.

Since I already own the RV-100 transom mount transducer, I am interested in the thru-hull to provide improved sonar imaging while underway. The maximum depth's I will be fishing is around 250'.

I planned to use 2 sonar enabled Axioms because I had heard that using the Y connector with the RV-100 and a 50/200 transducer would cause me to loose the chirp sonar features of the RV-100. Is this not correct?

What transducer would you recommend? I know I could go with the RV-212 pair but that is outside of my budget.

RE: [CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-02-18 09:38 AM


As you have suggested, use of the Y-Cable would then prevent use of the RV-100's high CHIRP conical sonar. By installing a second Axiom RV MFD or Axiom DV MFD within the network, then it it would indeed be possible to interface the second MFD to either a low profile CPT-S thru-hull transducer or adapt the MFD to use a low profile thru-hull (ex. B60, P319, etc.) or in-hull 50kHz/200kHz transducer (ex. P79, M260, etc.) should the hull material and thickness support use of an in-hull transducer. The higher power output of the 50kHz/200kHz transducer may make it the best option for holding bottom at planing speeds. The operational depth which you have specified should be well within the range of either one of these options.

RE: [CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - blazin - 02-02-18 04:20 PM

Thanks for your recommendation.

My plan is to connect the Axiom 9 RV I already own to the RV-100 and purchase a second Axiom 9 RV to a B60 12 degree.

I see 2 different model number B60's 12 degree transducers: E66088 and E66086. Which is the correct one?

Which is the correct adapter cable to connect the B60 to the Axion 9 RV?

RE: [CA] Dual Axiom Configuration - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-02-18 05:01 PM


Both the E66088 version of the B60 12 degree transducer and the E66086 version of the B60 12 degree transducer may be adapted to be interfaced to an Axiom RV MFD. The E66088 belongs to a family of transducers collectively referred to as A-Series Transducers and may be adapted via the A80488 adapter cable. The E66086 belongs to a family of transducers collectively referred to as CP370 compatible transducers and may be adapted via the A80489 adapter cable. While the performance of these transducers is identical, the E66086 is compatible with or may be adapted for use with a broader range of products.