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[CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - Printable Version

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[CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - GoodChance - 03-22-18 07:04 AM

I have an a98 currently running software v.14.36.

I purchased a new SanDisc (mSD) with 8GB of storage.

Went to the Raymarine website and downloaded v19.03 to the root file of the mSD card. The mSD card was formatted to FAT32.

When follow the Raymarine instructions for uploading this newest software from the mSD card, I get a "no data available" message from the a98. Tried three times. Same message all three times. In between each attempt, I deleted the original v19.03 software from the mSD card and loaded a new.

FYI - Last week I was able to use this same mSD card to transfer waypoints into this same a98 unit.

FYI - the a98 is connected to an a68. The a98 is the Master.

I would (could) attempt to use my iPhone SE as a hotspot but as I understand, only Raymarine software after v.15.59 can be updated using wifi.

Your thoughts how to proceed?

In case you are wondering, the a98 is otherwise running fine. But for some reason, the a98 is not recognizing the newly installed RD424HD radar. I'm thinking that this could be a software issue.

RE: [CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 03-22-18 10:27 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum GoodChance,

Please note that the Zip file downloaded from the MFD's software update web page should not have been downloaded directly to the microSD memory card. This file should have been downloaded to your computer. The default location for downloaded files will be your Downloads folder if a Windows operating system is running on your computer. Your Downloads folder will need to be opened, the downloaded Zip file located, and then all files located within the downloaded Zip file will be extracted to the route level directory of the microSD memory card. Extraction of these files may be commanded by right clicking on the downloaded Zip file and then selecting EXTRACT ALL from the menu displayed.

RE: [CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - GoodChance - 03-22-18 11:07 AM

Thank you Chuck for correcting my error.

I will do as you outlined above and report back tomorrow.

RE: [CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - GoodChance - 03-23-18 05:26 AM

The updated software (v. 19) was successfully uploaded to the a98 using the correct procedures that you outlined Chuck. Thanks

RE: [CA] Trouble Uploading Software Update to a98 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 03-23-18 07:38 AM

You're welcome.