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Disable Waypoint Advance Alarm/Acknowledgement - Printable Version

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Disable Waypoint Advance Alarm/Acknowledgement - [email protected] - 04-03-16 05:00 PM

Is there a way - or going to be a way - to disable the Waypoint Advance Alarm in the Evolution autopilot? I just purchased a new Prestige Yacht with all Raymarine equipment. My previous Yacht had a third party navigation system which allowed for this. It seems other (competitive) autopilot products support this, but not Raymarine. I don't consider having to look away from the water/front of the boat to acknowledge an alarm every couple of minutes a safety feature. Its more dangerous for me to have to keep looking away from the boats direction at 30MPH and puts myself and the boat at risk of hitting debris during this acknowledgement.

RE: Disable Waypoint Advance Alarm/Acknowledgement - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 04-04-16 10:30 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum jeokeefe,

There is indeed an ability to disable the waypoint arrival alarm within Raymarine a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFDs. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing this subject. Your request to to remove the current autopilot notifications has been noted and logged accordingly.

Please click here more information concerning product and feature suggestions.