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i50 Depth: Shallow Cut Off - Printable Version

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i50 Depth: Shallow Cut Off - Tgause - 04-12-16 08:48 PM

My i50 Depth gauge stops working in shallow water (where I need it most). The screen shows the depth where the unit stopped working and the word LAST appears. This will happen around seven feet. Upon entering deeper water, the unit begins working properly. The instrument is about six months old. I am now in the Bahamas with five feet six inches of draft and need the shallow readout badly. Any advice on repairing or adjusting the unit would be appreciated.

RE: i50 Depth: Shallow Cut Off - Steve - Raymarine - Moderator - 04-13-16 09:45 AM

What type of transducer are you using in the system? When the system works then doesn't work, then works again. This points either to transducer placement or the angle the transducer is mounted. The transducer signal is not getting back to the transducer in the shallow water.

RE: i50 Depth: Shallow Cut Off - Tgause - 04-14-16 05:57 AM

(04-13-16 09:45 AM)Steve - Raymarine - Moderator Wrote:  What type of transducer are you using in the system? When the system works then doesn't work, then works again. This points either to transducer placement or the angle the transducer is mounted. The transducer signal is not getting back to the transducer in the shallow water.

Reply: The transducer I am using is the one installed for the previous version of the i50 depth gauge. It works fine and consistently when in water over 7 +/- feet. Yesterday I snorkled down and looked at the transducer. It was covered with ablative bottom paint. I scraped off the paint but have not had a chance to test operation in shallow water. Does this sound like a likely fix to you? Thanks

RE: i50 Depth: Shallow Cut Off - Steve - Raymarine - Moderator - 04-14-16 12:13 PM

Yes, bottom paint could cause the signal to be deflected and could cause the issue you're experiencing.