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[TG] Axiom Pro vs Cp 470 with same 1kw transducer - Printable Version

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Axiom Pro vs Cp 470 with same 1kw transducer - antoniovox - 08-03-18 02:11 PM

hi Chuck, thieves robbed me all my Raymarine instruments (Axiom 9" RV) including CP470 and 1kw transducer about 2 months ago.
I had to buy new one but to save some money I bought Axiom 9" Pro RVX and 1kw transducer.
The difference between the 2 configurations is Huge!
I can confirm that the Axiom Pro on board 1kw Chirp Fishfinder combined with 1Kw transducer has lot less power than combined with CP470.
This is my tw0 cents, from my direct experience.
You can say it should be the same, but I tested it and I'm sure what I'm writing.
Pls let me know your thoughts.
thank you.

RE: Axiom Pro vs Cp 470 with same 1kw transducer - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-14-18 02:01 AM

Hello Antoniovox,

The internal 1kW sounder in the Axiom Pro isn't quite the same as the CP470. As well as being limited to 1kW as opposed to the CP470's 2kW, there are other compomises that had to be made in order to fit that all of the sounder technology inside the housing of the Axiom Pro and to not overheat things. This is reflected in the Axiom Pro's shallower maximum-depth specification (http://www.raymarine.com.au/multifunction-displays/axiom-pro/pro12/) of 1,500m compared to 3,000m for CP470 http://www.raymarine.com.au/fishfinders/cp470-chirp-sonar/. Of course these are absolute maximum depths for seeing the bottom rather than what the sounders would be really usable for fishing in - I usually reckon on using the sounder in around half the absolute maximum specified depth for good results.

All this being said, I believe that later Lighthouse3 software contained Axiom Pro 1kW performance improvements, so I would recommend making sure that you're running the latest software (v3.6.32 today.) You can see your software version and update over Wifi from Home > Settings.
