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[CA] [CA11] GPS antenna baud rate for C-70 system - Printable Version

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[CA11] GPS antenna baud rate for C-70 system - SeaBat - 08-22-18 06:31 AM

It would be much appreciated if someone could tell me the baud rate for the GPS antenna that was part of a Raymarine C 70 classic MFD system that was installed in a 2006 Sea Ray 270 Amberjack when it was purchased new.
Thanks in advance,

RE: [CA11] GPS antenna baud rate for C-70 system - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-22-18 03:51 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum SeaBat,

Raymarine GPS sensors of this period featured a 1Hz update rate. If the GPS sensor was interfaced to the MFD via the MFD's NMEA 0183 port, the MFD would support 4800 or 38400 BAUD NMEA 0183 communications. While GPS sensors of today have faster update rates and may be interfaced to older MFDs, the MFD will only update the plotted vessel position at 1Hz.