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[CA] [CA11] C90W serial and model numbers - Printable Version

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[CA11] C90W serial and model numbers - uffdakev - 02-06-19 07:28 PM

I am appling for the upgrade rebate from my C90W to an axiom pro. I have no idea which number is which. I have a picture of all attached stickers plus the sticker in my documentation. Can you tell me which is the model number and which is the serial number

RE: [CA11] C90W serial and model numbers - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-07-19 11:49 AM


The model is C90W, the product ID is E62111, and the product's serial number is 0400253.

RE: [CA11] C90W serial and model numbers - uffdakev - 02-07-19 02:17 PM

Thank you

RE: [CA11] C90W serial and model numbers - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 02-07-19 02:53 PM

You're welcome.