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Detecting Magnetics - Printable Version

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Detecting Magnetics - [email protected] - 05-21-16 11:32 AM

After updating to v17, i noticed that the autopilot and p70r also received an upgrade. There is now (constantly) a progress bar at the bottom of the screen that states:

"Detecting Magnetics"

It has a sliver of a red bar in the progress area and that is it. It doesn't move and stays like that for hours. Is something wrong? I have never seen this before.

I have attached an image of the display with the progress bar.

RE: Detecting Magnetics - SailorGio - 05-23-16 02:00 PM

Hello I have just updated and having the exact same issue. Did you find a solution?

RE: Detecting Magnetics - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-23-16 03:13 PM

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