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cables - Printable Version

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cables - jim35 - 05-24-16 09:52 AM

I was wondering if normal cables with rj 45 ends can be used instead of seatalk hs cables on a inside installation as waterproof connections are not an issue . The price difference is quite a bit . Thanks , Jim

RE: cables - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-24-16 10:37 AM


It is strongly recommended that you not do as you have suggested. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing this subject.

RE: cables - jim35 - 05-24-16 12:37 PM

Chuck , thanks for the heads up on the cables not locking in right . I'll use the right ones . Thanks , Jim

RE: cables - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-24-16 02:44 PM

You're welcome.