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[CA11] Screen Shots - Printable Version

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[CA11] Screen Shots - gysgtbigdaddy - 10-08-19 07:04 PM

Does anyone have somewhere I can go to view screen shots of a WiFish to help me determine what I'm seeing on mine? I'm pretty certain but have no way to confirm what I think I'm seeing. Like bait fish vs. the top of bushes. Or bass/striper vs. bluegill. I'm pretty certain I'm seeing it correctly just not 100% is all.

Thanks for any guidance!!

RE: [CA11] Screen Shots - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 10-09-19 12:34 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum,

I would recommend looking at videos posted to YouTube such as the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztiy9S-ND60 . I would recommend searching for the keywords would be Raymarine Dragonfly and sonar.