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Best MFD for existing system
11-15-16, 05:25 PM
Post: #2
RE: Best MFD for existing system
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum F-Bomb,

It is not possible to interface a DSM to both a C-Series Classic MFD and to an E-Series Classic MFD such that it would supply fishfinder imaging and features to both system. Were the C80 to be replaced with a another retired E80 or E120 MFD and were the currently installed MFDs, the DSM, and SR100 to be interfaced to one another via a HS5 RayNet Network Switch, then all system data and resources (except for NTSC/PAL camera video) would be shared between the two MFDs. Interfacing the currently owned E80 with any MFD other than another E-Series Classic MFD, would not support such sharing of system data and resources.
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Best MFD for existing system - F-Bomb - 11-15-16, 12:21 PM
RE: Best MFD for existing system - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 11-15-16 05:25 PM

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