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[LW] [LW11] Axiom Pro MFD, no Tempsensor-readings
02-18-20, 03:52 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-20 07:11 AM by Louise - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #1
[LW11] Axiom Pro MFD, no Tempsensor-readings

I have a problem to get any temperature readings in my Axiom Pro 9" MFD from Airmar dst800 triducer

System is Airmar dst 800 triducer connected to Raymarine Itc 5 converter, connected to seatalk backbone Cable to seatalkng converter plint to Axiom Pro MFD and also ST60 instruments

Everything seems ok, i have checked airmar temp sensor = ok
Itc5 Cables connected i right colors from triducer = ok
Itc5 led = ok
Speed info in MFD = ok
Deep info in MFD = ok

But Temp info = 0,0 (it should be about 12 deegres when i tested)

I cant find any sonar menu to enable temp sensor ?? (if that is the problem ?)

Please any idea ?

Regards /Janne
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02-25-20, 12:49 AM
Post: #2
RE: [TG11] Axiom Pro MFD, no Tempsensor-readings
Hello Janne,

To confirm that the temperature data (0,0) is coming from the DST800, what happens when you disconnect brown or white from the ITC5? Does temperature go to dashes ( -.- degrees)?

Can you measure the resistance on the DST800 brown and white wires, when disconnected from the ITC5? At 12 degrees it should read something around 13-15 kOhms, but if there's a problem with the DST's thermistor then it will read something well outside this range.

Is there any depth transducer connected to the Axiom Pro?

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