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(DG) Evolution sizing
03-26-18, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-18 07:31 AM by Derek G.)
Post: #1
(DG) Evolution sizing

I got a boat with displacement 25000 pounds, 11,33 metric tons. Orginal configuration was:

Autohelm type 300 12v coursecomputer
Autohelm ST60001 control head
Autohelm T2s linear drive mechanical

But its time to upgrade. So i got question. According to information mechanical linear drive Type 1 is desiged for boat up to 11.000 kg, and Type 2 for up to 15000.

My boat its slitly above 11.000, by 330kg completly loaded.

Price between ACU-200 and ACU-400 is 1000usd difference. So im looking advise, how strictly i should keep that values.

If ACU-200 would be enough for this boat, is it possible to AC-200 work with T2s drive. Power clutch connection.

Please Advise.

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03-27-18, 08:05 AM
Post: #2
RE: (DG) Evolution sizing
Hi MarcinZ

Thanks for your enquiry

For a boat of 11.3 tones we would normally add 20% onto that for all the stores, extra equipment, fuel water and people, so based on this a T2 drive is required and this will need an ACU400 to handle the additional current the extra power needs.

The ACU200 is not big enough to handle this extra current and will not operate a T2 drive.
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