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[CA] [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
07-17-19, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-19 08:27 AM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #1
[CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
Hello Tech Support,
I recently upgraded from an E95 to an Axiom 12.
Here is a list of small glitch I see in the latest software (3.10.30)
1- Fuel Manager is calculating wrong qty of fuel in (manual, day & month). How can we do 4.46KM and consuming 487.7GAL ? Season appear to be right. See screenshot attached.
2- With latest software, the unit reboot and ~10 min after bootup.
3- Display Glitch on Engine - Gauge page. The word Fuel Flow (P) is occasionally getting blurry. anlo with the new software under the Fuel Flow (S) there is a set of line and dot that apprear when we stay on that page for long time. If I change page, then it will be clean for a while until they reappear.
I'm available to test beta software of to answer any questions.
Kind Regards,
David Caron

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07-24-19, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-19 03:49 PM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #2
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12

There were many odd issues related to the LH3 v3.8.x, v3.9.x, and now we've been receiving such reports with v3.10.x software, many of which, were corrected through execution of the Power ON Factory Reset procedure but reappear following a restoration of settings for those which had been previously saved to a microSD memory card. It is recommended the Power ON Factory Reset procedure be executed on each of the system's MFDs to correct the reported behavior and that the MFD(s) then be manually reconfigured. Should the problems persist after having performed the items recommended above, then please respond according and include a system diagram of your system. Please additionally indicate whether PGN 127497 has been configured to be used by the Fuel Manager feature.
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07-25-19, 07:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-19 07:51 AM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #3
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
Thanks Chuck for your prompt reply.
The Factory Reset did the trick for the Reset problem. I have not seen the MFD reset since the factory reset. Also I fully reconfigured the MFD.

For the fuel problem, attached is some screenshot. You can see the problem still persist with a factory reset. The value are still strange. I'm using PNG127489. The fuel flow and tank level calculation work perfectly. The problem appear to be at the calculation level.

For the Fuzzy font, I'm including a short video.

If you need additional detail, feel free to email me directly.

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.mov  IMG_2543.MOV (Size: 28.19 MB / Downloads: 267)
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07-25-19, 11:36 AM
Post: #4
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12

I'm not certain what you are trying to report with regard to the Fuel Manager. Fuel Manual Trip Reset will not effect Day and Month Trip values. These are automatically reset at the beginning of each day and month.

You have a 100 gallon tank. After two 2 hours of operation at 3500 RPM (your engines are reporting approx. 9 gal/hr consumption rate), your system should have used approximately 19 gallons of fuel ... assuming that the fuel consumption rate was constant. This would have resulted in approximately 80 gallons remaining. The system is reporting that 71 gallons are remaining ... an 11 gallon difference. Were the engines operated at constant speed for the period specified?

No video or link to the video showing fuzzy screen imaging was attached to your last response.
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07-25-19, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-19 02:07 PM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #5
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
Dear Chuck,
Let's start with 1st Screenshot:
This was same day I did the Factory Reset, about 4 hours after.

Season: Value is reporting exactly what I did during that day:
68.83 KM for 29.1 Gal = Fuel Remaining 70.9 Gal.
Season is reporting perfectly.

Manual: was reset in about half way:
32,59KM for 36.9 Gal
Why This is higher to the season value of 29.1 Gal?
It should have been about 15 Gal.

Day: You agreed it's not possible to reset the Day value...
So why it reporting only 13,87km while during that day we did the 68,83km

Month: 68,83km is ok but why 52.9Gal while I only took 29.1 ?

2nd Screenshot:
It show about the same kind of situation, it was taken the following day.
Season: value is reporting exactly what was the real situation.
Day:156,4km for 85.4gal while season report 211.4km took 85.4gal
Month: report 211.4km for 109.2 Gal.

This is all strange reporting for me. Keep in mind the Est. Fuel Remaining work perfectly and also the Season value appear to be right on the spot. The problem appear to be with the Manual, day and Month calculation.

The fuzzy font video was too large and I think the web platform do not like the file format. Here is a smaller version in a Zip file. This is only 4 sec. The same is happening continuously no matter what info I put at this location.

Let me know if additional details is needed, I'm on the water for the next few days.

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.zip  Fuzzy (Size: 1.92 MB / Downloads: 224)
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07-26-19, 04:13 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-19 02:07 PM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #6
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
I have exactly the same problem with the fuel manager since the new Axion 9 was installed in June 2018, no software update has solved the problem. Now with the latest software update 3.10.39 it has become even worse, the Trip season (nm) has been reset to 0 unasked, the day after that the engine houres have also been reset to 0 unasked. Only the fuel used has remained at the current value. The fuel manager appears to be leading his own life. With the software update (3.8.97) of January 2019 this would have been adjusted, the problem has not been solved. After many reports to Raymarine (Benelux) the problem remains unresolved
Kind regards
Marc Casselman

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07-26-19, 02:12 PM
Post: #7
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12

Thanks for providing the clarifying information regarding both the fuel manager issue and the fuzzy data item issue. Thanks for additionally providing clarification regarding the Mercury engine interface. Problem reports will be logged for each of these issues to seek their correction within a future LightHouse 3 software update.


Likewise, thanks for your additional comments. Please indicate what make/model of engine interface you have installed and additionally specify whether PGN 127497 has been configured to be used by the Fuel Manager feature.
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07-26-19, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-19 08:41 AM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #8
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12
Chuck, David,

In attachment the requested information, engine V6 Mercury Four stroke 147 kW
new june 2018



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.pdf  Interfase Mercury 1.pdf (Size: 744.21 KB / Downloads: 256)
.pdf  Interfase Mercury 2.pdf (Size: 951.93 KB / Downloads: 332)
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07-29-19, 09:40 AM
Post: #9
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12

Thanks for the additional information.
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09-25-19, 08:19 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-19 08:23 AM by Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator.)
Post: #10
RE: [CA11] Software Glitch - Axiom 12

Our engineering team has requested a NMEA 2000 log from the system in support of this investigation. The diagnostic NMEA 2000 logging feature may be accessed via the command sequence HOME->SETTINGS->NETWORK->DIAGNOSTICS->NMEA DEVICES & MESSAGES. Please capture approximately 1 minute of data with the system fully up and engines operating. Please attach the resulting NMEA 2000 log to this thread.
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