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[TG] [TG11] AIS 950 EPFS is lost - Printable Version

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[TG11] AIS 950 EPFS is lost - CYOAJay - 05-28-20 07:17 AM

I am working on a client's boat and getting an error message of EPFS lost. I was told that this is likely a problem with setting for the ECDIS port (set for bi-directional).

I have no clue how to change or test this? Any insight would be helpful.


RE: [TG11] AIS 950 EPFS is lost - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 06-02-20 01:58 AM

Hello CYOAJay,

EPFS Lost means that the AIS is no longer getting position data from the external GPS receiver and has reverted to its internal receiver. This is an IMO-mandated standard warning. What is the external GPS source? Can you check its IEC61162-2 (AKA NMEA0183) connection to the relevant Sensor port, and that it does definitely have a good GPS fix?

I've seen this warning before on a series of boats that had an installation issue that caused severe noise that was corrupting NMEA/IEC traffic, but it could be as simple as that the external antenna doesn't have a good sky-view.
