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CP200 with CP100 and DSM300 - Printable Version

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CP200 with CP100 and DSM300 - dhill67 - 08-04-16 01:13 PM

I am considering adding a CP200 side vision sonar and transducer to my current setup. I have an A98 with built-in down-vision and CPT100 transducer mount on the starboard transom. I also have a DSM300 with thru-hull sonar transducer. If I add the CP200 would I have any issues mounting the CPT200 transducer near the CPT100? What is the optimum mounting configuration? Also, will I need any additional cables to connect to the A98? I have an HD418 color radar installed as well. What are the wiring requirements for the CP200 sonar module? Just power and the transducer cable?

RE: CP200 with CP100 and DSM300 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-09-16 10:31 AM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum dhill67,

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